Minting iUSD

To mint iUSD, go to the "iUSD" tab to open the position creation interface.

Select "Open" next to the collateral you would like to use.

In the New Position interface, enter the amount of collateral to deposit and the amount of iUSD to borrow. The minimum borrowing amount is 50 iUSD.

When satisfied with deposit and borrow amounts, click "Approve & Open" to perform the necessary transactions. Wallet confirmation is required for each transaction. If a transaction fails, try again. Ironclad will pick up where you left off.

Some interest-bearing collaterals may incur a management fee (refer to the Management Fee page)

After a position has been opened, it will be visible in the Ironclad Dashboard.

As an official Ironclad iUSD user, it’s time to learn how to earn with iUSD.

Last updated